Giving you the straight opinion on gaming,tech and gadgets without all the fluff!!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Bio Shock Infinite Game Play!
Bio Shock Infinite is looking more and more like a prequel after seeing this game play footage I'm thinking we are going to find out more about Ryan from the first game and what helped shape the city of Rapture. All I can say is I cant wait to hop into this one...
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Scott Pilgrim Movie Review---Box Office Flop? Or Instant Classic!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
"Shank & Scott Pilgrim vs the world" 2D Epicness!!
"Shank" & "Scott Pilgrim vs the world" hit Xbox 360 Arcade and I must say they are both Epic!! If you grew up in the era of 8 bit goodness and arcades Scott Pilgrim is a awesome walk back through time with a 4 player co-op game!!
And on the other hand you have "Shank" 2D cartoonie shoot'em up that feels like your playing through a Robert Rodriguez film! Uber gory and fun!! Theres a gritty back drop but not to deep story line with this one, the game play will keep you glued.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Walking Dead AMC Trailer looks Epic!!
Heres the first look trailer from AMC's Comic book adaptation of the Walking Dead! This looks as gritty as the comic which for comic book fan boys like myself is a really big deal! AMC has this set to air Halloween night so you'll know where I'll be that night around 10:00pm.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Metroid Other M Japanese Game Play
Metroid Other is the next link in the original story ark from the Super NES game Super Metriod. This game has been developed by "Team Ninja" so I have very high hopes!! Heres a look at the game play from a Japanese commercial airing now in Japan.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Bio Shock Infinite Prequel Or Something Totally New?!
Late Wednesday night we were treated to a first look at "Bio Shock Infinite" and I must say it looks crazy! A flying city called "Columbia" what you first think is a return to "Rapture" is actually the lead protagonist being drowned in his own fish bowl then thrown out a window of a high rise plunging to his death falling through a city floating on the clouds?! This left more questions than answers, is this a prequel, seeing its set in 1912 with all the turn of the century steam punk influenced atmosphere or is this a completely different story? This is being produced by the team that did "Bio Shock" Irrational Games but from what is being said we have until 2012 to try and figure out that puzzle, heres a first look.
Monday, August 9, 2010
"Scott Pilgrim" Comic not so much?! Movie Very Much! Win!!!
This comic came out about 6 years ago and I like many of you I give it a try but it just felt to kiddie, but the movie adaptation is another mile stone in comic to movie genre. Like "Sin City" & "300" changed the way amazing comics made it to film this movie helps the rest of us jaded comic lovers enjoy the movie format of our favorite comics. I'm happy to say this one with some re watchable qualities!!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Looks like super director Zack Synder is at it again, after "300" & "Watchmen" what can he do to top those two power houses well here comes "Sucker Punch". Mix one part kung-fu with two parts "The Matrix" and throw in some dragons and you've got what looks to be one of the best sci-fi movies of 2011!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Black Hat & DEF CON back to back!
The Hacking community is on fire so far this week, "Black Hat" & "DEF CON" back to back this is a good week to have your PC shut off! well if you can live without your PC? as you can see I cant! Already there was a massive WPA2 security hack that came out of the B.H. convention turning the "White Hat", security annalist & on its head!! Now there reports that a random ATM in bums ville was spiting out $20.00 bills in the street like we're in the 1995 movie "HACKERS"!! And if thats so I want to be Zero Cool. Reports are saying that the ATM act came from the DEF CON community showing their hacking mite and giving the middle finger to the B.H. folks for selling out?! Well at any cost there should be all kinds of interresting stuff that comes out of these two conventions!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Comic Con 2010 Holly Whore Or Comic Fan Paradise?
Its Comic Con time again, Comic Con has become the Nerd/Sci-Fi global hot spot due to Hollywood showing up in early 2000. I've tried to denie the whored out spectacle that comic con has become but I honestly can turn a blind eye, I mean the who's who of the comic book world shows up. So I will be tunning in to find out about Kick ass 2, Old Man Logan, and the Walking Dead. Hollywood will do its worst but the true comic fan will still show what the spirit of comic con is all about, you just have to watch out for the Star Wars fan's....
Saturday, July 17, 2010
A Word From Fallout Online
After signing up for the Fallout Beta I received this from the waste land...
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Walking Dead Behind The Scenes With Frank Darabont
New behind the scenes look with director Frank Darabont, looks like they are planning on following the story source pretty close. This looks more and more promising everyday I cant wait for October on AMC for this one!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Machete!! OMFG What A Cast...
Wow the grind house style movie from Robert Rodriguez reminders me of "from dusk till dawn" well without the vampires. This movie has a amazing cast of stars not that we would expect less from Mr.Rodriguez take a look...
A Day At The Work Place...
Crysis 2 Game Swag!!! OMG
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Wii's Hard Core Game Finally Shows Up!!??
The sequel to Sin & Punishment has dropped and it is amazing! I was wondering if the Wii was ever going to give the real gamer a title worth playing outside the stander Nintendo titles, (Mario, Zelda, Metroid ect.) Not that those titles don't have a place in my heart but I need more than a 50 year old plummer to fill my gaming needs! This game is very fast paced for a rail shooter so it never gets old and due to the pace you almost don't realize its on rails, and the boss fights OMFG!! This is a must play for shooter fans!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Modded scooter ready for Neo-Tokyo action
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
"Old Man Logan" Sequel In the Works!!
Mar Millar is writing a sequel to the epic "old Man Logan" series! I'm not a big "Wolverine" fan normally but this post-apocalyptic store was amazing!! If you didn't read the first issues pick them up its super gory and you'll be shocked when you find out why wolverine doesn't use his claws in the being of the story. "No spoilers here"!!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Whoo.... The RZA's New Film??!!
Wu-Tang .v.s The Golden Phoenix, this is the new film that the RZA is working on with who?? "Eli Roth" and "Robert Tia" as the fight choreographer! This looks like it could become an instant classic take a look....
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Fallout MMO Beta!!
Interpaly is finally opening the beta sign up's for all of you Fallout fan boys/girls like my self! There isn't a official release on the beta as of yet but as soon as they let us know I'll be the first yapping about it!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Tron Controllers!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Flash Mobile 10.1 Finally!!
Well 2 years in the making.... adobe finally launched "flash" for mobile devices you can now go to their web site and download the flash file and install it on smartphones, netbooks & smartbooks. Thank effing god!!
Friday, June 18, 2010
"Rez" Part 2!!
I dont know about you but I loved "REZ" when it came out for the DreamCast!! Now we have "The Children Of Eden" coming out soon and I cant wait! From what I hear it will be available for the 360 & PS3,you'll be able to use the "Kinect" or "Move" controllers which would be Uber cool or if you wanted the original feel of "REZ" you can use the standard controllers. Here take a look....
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Rage...Once Dismissed, Now A Don't Miss!!!
I first saw "id's" Rage in '08 and though oh a Fallout rip off, but after seeing this footage this was a total double take. The Tech 5 engine is amazing and this is the first game ever that I can say the pre-rendered cut scenes do NOT look as good as the game play?! I'm blown away but you be the judge....
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Nintendo 3DS
• As promised, this is a glasses-free 3D device
• Two cameras on the outside of the device for 3D picture taking
• 3D depth slider on the side of the device
• Round numb analog stick called the "Slide Pad"
• Bottom screen is a touch panel
• Below the touch screen are Select, Home and Start buttons
• Underneath the A, B, X, Y buttons is the handheld's power button
• Motion sensor and gyroscope
• Compatible with Nintendo DSi
• A camera facing the player above the portable's 3D screen
• The ability to play 3D Hollywood movies, like Legends of the Guardians from Warner Brothers
• The 3DS launch game will be Kid Icarus: Uprising
• It is a powerful system, featuring improved graphics
• The 3DS periodically searchs for WiFi spots and other 3DSs
• Easy online navigation
• No monthly fee for Nintendo's 3DS online access
• Nintendo is developing 3D Nintendogs
• More than twenty companies have signed on to develop for the 3DS
• The top screen is 3.5 inches
• Release date is TBA
• Price is TBA
• Two cameras on the outside of the device for 3D picture taking
• 3D depth slider on the side of the device
• Round numb analog stick called the "Slide Pad"
• Bottom screen is a touch panel
• Below the touch screen are Select, Home and Start buttons
• Underneath the A, B, X, Y buttons is the handheld's power button
• Motion sensor and gyroscope
• Compatible with Nintendo DSi
• A camera facing the player above the portable's 3D screen
• The ability to play 3D Hollywood movies, like Legends of the Guardians from Warner Brothers
• The 3DS launch game will be Kid Icarus: Uprising
• It is a powerful system, featuring improved graphics
• The 3DS periodically searchs for WiFi spots and other 3DSs
• Easy online navigation
• No monthly fee for Nintendo's 3DS online access
• Nintendo is developing 3D Nintendogs
• More than twenty companies have signed on to develop for the 3DS
• The top screen is 3.5 inches
• Release date is TBA
• Price is TBA
Monday, June 14, 2010
Crysis 2 Game Play,Yes Please!!
From EA's confrence today brought us Crysis 2 gamelpay and it looks amazing! I must say I'm a bit of a fan boy of Cryotech but after you see this footage you'll understand why, if your already not a fan!
New 360 Slim and its shipping Now??!!
Update: This guy wont be available until Nov 4th for the US players, Epic Fail per the conference saying there shipping now, implying they will be in stores this week??!! WTF M$...

New 360 is coming out,"WHEN"?? Well Now?! And if you were at E3 and at the Microsoft press conference you got one free "Oprah" style!! It's small and has a 250 HD , WiFI b/g/n all built in and its about time!! But it does look very NICE!!
New 360 is coming out,"WHEN"?? Well Now?! And if you were at E3 and at the Microsoft press conference you got one free "Oprah" style!! It's small and has a 250 HD , WiFI b/g/n all built in and its about time!! But it does look very NICE!!
"Kinect" Chat with Video/Movie Share
"BodyCount"from the makers of "Black"
Wow this is looking Nice!! Could this be a sequel to "Black"?! This is being produced by the same developers as "Black". Take a look....
Natal's Real Name & F.O.N.V Release Date
Ah its E3 Time Again, Where Are You?
E3 time again and I'm bubbling with excitement I cant wait to see all the new stuff, booth babes and all the free swag!! Oh F**K I'm still in the midwest DAWN!! Well I guess I missed it again but next year E3 next year, but in the mean time I cant still see all the new stuff coming out and thats what E3 is all about wright!?
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Sunday Arcade Classic "Freedom Fighter"
My Sunday arcade classic is "Freedom Fighter" or for the Philips CD-i its called "Escape From Cyber City" the story ark is you play as a child trying to save his home world but first he must escape from cyber city which is a living jail crawling with android guards. This game was the first game to incorporate anime into cut scenes based off the 1980's "Galaxy Express" I remember playing this for hours as a kid this was my first exposure to "Cyber Punk" and I have loved it ever sense!! If you have a chance to check it out I highly recommend it!!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
"Trico" New Game From The Makers Of Shadow of the Colossus
For all of you "Shadow Of The Colossus" fans like myself comes "Trico" or "The Last Guardian" theres not much story line released on this one as of yet hopefully we will see more at E3!
So I'm thinking a prequel to the epic game "Shadow Of The Colossus" what do you think? I guess we will see soon enough!
So I'm thinking a prequel to the epic game "Shadow Of The Colossus" what do you think? I guess we will see soon enough!
Dead Space 2 from E3 Pre-Event 2010
Dead Space looks as good as we expected!! Here is a game play first look and I hear that this will be a live demo on the E3 floor once again GT t.v. is all over this! Take a look....
Ooooh New Fall Out N.V. Game Play!!
Wow here some new game play footage of Fall Out New Vegas!! Just had a nerdgasum... I cant wait to start shooting mutants!!! Thx to Game Trailers for this one!
First Production Photo of AMC's The Walking Dead
Welp I was pumped and concerned when I heard that AMC was making a TV series out of Robert Kirkmans "AMAZING" on going zombie comic but after seeing the photos from the first couple days of filming I'm feeling better already!!
Friday, June 11, 2010
XCOM Crazy Sci-FI
Here is a first look at 2K's new FPS "XCOM" I'm impressed!! I like the whole 1950's vibe with the "Twilight Zone" touch. I hope there is a hands on demo that comes out of E3 on this one!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Fall Out New Vegas Pre Order Bonus
Just in this morning there is a different pre order bonus per different retailers, Gamestop, Amazon, Best Buy & Steam will all offer different in game out fits and weapons. This only for the Collectors Editions...
Full details on which pre-order packs are available from which retailers follow below.
*The Classic Pack, available when you pre-order through GameStop, contains:
Armored Vault 13 Suit - Extensively patched up and dotted with piecemeal armor, this outfit is an homage to the classic ending of the original Fallout.
Vault 13 Canteen - This handy device is useful for staving off dehydration and providing a small amount of healing in the Mojave Wasteland.
Weathered 10mm Pistol - A well-worn 10mm pistol that packs an extra punch despite its modest size.
5 Stimpaks - Food and water are good for long-term healing, but when the fighting is fierce, Stimpaks help keep Wastelanders upright.
*The Tribal Pack, available when you pre-order through Amazon, contains:
Tribal Raiding Armor - Pieced together from scraps of armor, this outfit provides protection without impacting mobility.
Broad Machete - This heavy-bladed melee weapon does high damage against limbs and can quickly deal out a flurry of attacks.
5 Bleak Venom doses - Useful on any Melee Weapon, Bleak Venom makes short of work of most living targets.
10 Throwing Spears - If you would like to silently pin an enemy's head to a wall, Throwing Spears are the way to do it.
Tribal Raiding Armor - Pieced together from scraps of armor, this outfit provides protection without impacting mobility.
Broad Machete - This heavy-bladed melee weapon does high damage against limbs and can quickly deal out a flurry of attacks.
5 Bleak Venom doses - Useful on any Melee Weapon, Bleak Venom makes short of work of most living targets.
10 Throwing Spears - If you would like to silently pin an enemy's head to a wall, Throwing Spears are the way to do it.
*The Caravan Pack, available when you pre-order through Steam and Walmart, contains:
Lightweight Leather Armor - This hand-modified suit of leather armor reduces its overall weight without impacting its ability to protect.
Sturdy Caravan Shotgun - Despite its rough appearance, this Caravan Shotgun will reliably fire 20 gauge shells until the Brahmin come home.
4 Repair Kits - Useful for repairing any outfit or weapon, Repair Kits are a valuable tool for any caravaner.
Binoculars“ The Mojave Wasteland is a dangerous place, but with these trusty Binoculars you'll be able to spot trouble coming.
Lightweight Leather Armor - This hand-modified suit of leather armor reduces its overall weight without impacting its ability to protect.
Sturdy Caravan Shotgun - Despite its rough appearance, this Caravan Shotgun will reliably fire 20 gauge shells until the Brahmin come home.
4 Repair Kits - Useful for repairing any outfit or weapon, Repair Kits are a valuable tool for any caravaner.
Binoculars“ The Mojave Wasteland is a dangerous place, but with these trusty Binoculars you'll be able to spot trouble coming.
*The Mercenary Pack, available when you pre-order through Best Buy, contains:
Lightweight Metal Armor - Modified for long-range travel, this Metal Armor sacrifices some protection for mobility and overall weight.
Mercenary Grenade Rifle - Though similar to other 40mm Grenade Rifles in the Mojave Wasteland, this model has a faster reload cycle.
3 Super Stimpaks - When you absolutely, positively, need to keep your blood inside your body, Super Stimpaks fix you up in no time.
3 Doctors Bags - Mercenaries and broken limbs go together like Iguana-on-a-Stick and Nuka Cola. Thankfully, these Doctors Bags take a bit of sting out of the inevitable crushed skull.
Lightweight Metal Armor - Modified for long-range travel, this Metal Armor sacrifices some protection for mobility and overall weight.
Mercenary Grenade Rifle - Though similar to other 40mm Grenade Rifles in the Mojave Wasteland, this model has a faster reload cycle.
3 Super Stimpaks - When you absolutely, positively, need to keep your blood inside your body, Super Stimpaks fix you up in no time.
3 Doctors Bags - Mercenaries and broken limbs go together like Iguana-on-a-Stick and Nuka Cola. Thankfully, these Doctors Bags take a bit of sting out of the inevitable crushed skull.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
World War Z the Movie 2012
We have less than 1 year left for this Amazing book to be a movie. The audio book was somehow better than the book and that never happens so I cant wait to see what they do with this on th silver screen, well green screen.
Fall Out New Vegas
Ah Fallout N.V. its been to long scene I've trolled a crossed the wasteland, well now its a whole new wasteland but still looks every bit as good as the last and even sexier with new weapons and the ability to look down the sites of your gun!
In Tech News-- Twitter Crashed??
Deus Ex: E3 2010 Trailer
SO this looks out of control! For all of you Cyber Punk fans like myself this looks like the one we've all been waiting for, looks like "Bladerunner" meets "Devil May Cry"! Take a look...
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Red Dead Redeption
O.k. I'm not your normal Western fan but I got to say this game has had me wrapped up for days just wondering the country side of the old west!! If you haven't played yet its a must have, as a matter of fact it is so good there is already a movie short take a look...
Valve Where Is Gordan Freeman??
E3 2010
Its E3 time again and I'm like a kid in a candy store I cant wait to see what the developers have in store for us this year? Big news from the Nintendo camp, Sony and Microsoft we can most likely guess- M$ will have Natal and Sony will have "Move". Natal is still kinda creepy!!
I think Nintendo will steal the show with the DS 3D?! Could this be the real thing?? We'll see!!
I think Nintendo will steal the show with the DS 3D?! Could this be the real thing?? We'll see!!
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